Thursday, November 19, 2009 is Coming!

Our website, is going live on the 26th of November.

Our research has given us food for thought (get it) and we are now ready to launch our lunch deals website.

We had two requirements in mind for the design of the site; modern and user-friendly. As for the content, we considered what information would be of most use to people as they go about making their choice of where to go for lunch.

Daily Specials and Deals of the Week are appearing more and more on blackboards and shop windows so we thought why not gather this information into the website and save people the hassle of walking around to find it out themselves.

And then we thought why not offer vouchers for even greater value to the customer. Retailers would surely be delighted with the greater footfall.

We set out on a mission to recruit food retail outlets to display on the site. So far we have targeted Dublin and we have had remarkable success, with retailers really open to our concept. The range of retailers is broad, catering for a very wide range of food preferences and dietary requirements so there should be plenty there for everyone.

Things are shaping up nicely ahead of our launch so make sure you’re there to check out on the 26th!!

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